Strip, Hone, Polish, and Seal
The Problem
Marble is a popular stone for commercial applications because it adds elegance and a feeling of strength and permanence to any space. Unfortunately, marble etches easily, diminishing the overall appearance of the finish. That’s exactly what happened at the legendary La Jolla Hotel, pictured in the BEFORE images. Notice the whitish marks on the stone. That’s etching.
About Stains and Etches
A stain, which can sometimes be removed using a poultice, is an actual color change in the stone surface. An etch, however, is a chemical reaction between an acidic substance and the stone itself.
At this or any hotel, it is not uncommon for a guest to leave a drink (alcohol and/or fruit juice) in a paper cup on the counter next to the sink or to use toiletries with acidic substances at the sink. Later, housekeepers notice a ring or patch of white haze that does not wipe off the stone.
Minor etching can sometimes be removed with a polishing compound, but more severe etches, which give the stone a rough texture, can only be removed with professional honing and polishing.
Our Solution
First, we removed the old, flaking and discolored topical sealer using a stone-safe stripper. Then we resurfaced the stone to remove the etches and scratches using our marble honing process. Finally, we re-polished and sealed the stone.
La Jolla Hotel was very impressed with the results and said the marble looked new, like it had just been installed. As you can see in the AFTER images, the etching is completely removed and the marble is as our clients described it.
Visit our Marble Services page or watch this short video to learn more about professional marble restoration services or this video to learn more about natural stone restoration for commercial properties.