Exterior Limestone Cleaned and Sealed

Client : La Jolla homeowners
Info : Exterior limestone deep cleaned and sealed

Table Leaves Impression on Exterior Limestone

The La Jolla owners of this limestone patio had grown accustomed to seeing the limestone day after day and did not realize just how much dirt, grime, and contaminants had accumulated over the years. It wasn’t until they moved a patio table and saw the fresh, much cleaner limestone underneath that they realized they were long overdue for professional limestone services.

Our Limestone Restoration Process

Unlike pressure washing companies who can damage exterior limestone with improper methods, our highly qualified and experienced technicians know and understand the unique qualities of natural stone. We used high-quality equipment and cleaning solutions specially formulated for limestone to safely deep clean and sanitize this limestone floor. Then, we applied a sealer to fill in the tiny holes, prevent dirt and grime from finding its way back into the stone, and inhibit staining.

To learn more, visit our Limestone Services page.

If you live in La Jolla or in the San Diego area and you are looking for professional limestone services, contact us online or call 619-246-0240 to discuss your needs.