New Caulk Makes a Big Difference

Client : Homeowners in San Diego, CA
Info :

Shower stains removed, old caulking removed, new caulking applied

Natural Stone Shower In Poor Condition

San Diego homeowners called us because a build up of soap scum, hard water deposits, and deteriorating caulking was diminishing the appearance of their natural stone shower.

Our Professional Shower Restoration Process

Showers made with marble and other types of natural stone can be safely and effectively restored with the proper tools, knowledge, and experience. First, we removed the old, dirty, molding caulk. Then, we deep cleaned the shower and applied isopropyl alcohol to prepare the grout lines for new caulking. After allowing plenty of drying time, we taped off the grout lines, applied new caulking, removed the tape, and smoothed out the caulking joints.

The homeowners were surprised at how clean and new their shower looked.

To learn more about marble restoration, visit our Marble Services page.

Does your marble or other natural stone shower look dirty, moldy, and old? We provide natural stone shower restoration, caulking removal, and new caulking application services. Contact us online or call 619-246-0240 today for a FREE estimate.