Rental Home Travertine Floor Rejuvenated

Client : Homeowner in La Jolla, CA
Info :

Travertine honed, polished


The travertine floor in this La Jolla rental was neglected and had taken a beating from tenants, prompting the homeowner to call Set-in-Stone to bring the classic flooring back to life.


To return the shine and beauty of this travertine, we first honed it to remove scratches and other various marks left behind. Once we were were satisfied with the condition of the travertine, a light polish was added to bring out its color and showcase the stone’s beauty. Even with just a light polish, look how bright the overhead lights shine off the travertine in the AFTER image, compared to the dull reflection in the BEFORE image.

For more information about travertine restoration, such as etch removal, lippage removal (leveling uneven tiles), crack and chip repair, stain removal, sealing, filling naturally-occurring travertine holes, as well as honed, slightly polished, or high-gloss polished finish, watch one or more of these short videos: Floating TravertineTravertine Strip, Hone, and Repolish, and Travertine Repair, Restoration, and Polishing or visit our Travertine Services page.

Are you looking for travertine cleaning and honing services in the San Diego area? Whether you’re looking for a honed, slightly polished, or high-gloss polished finish, we can achieve the look you have in mind. Contact us online or call 619-246-0240 today.